Entries Tagged as 'Jatkai'

I bid you farewell.

January 11th, 2011 · No Comments · Finding genesis

Jatkai left this morning. I thanked him profusely for having saved my life, and he reciprocated his thanks for my having nursed his concussion after the quake. After a few awkward pauses, I told him that perhaps he’d be better off not being in the path of whatever whirlwind it is that seems bent on […]




November 23rd, 2010 · No Comments · Diary pages, Finding genesis

I can’t even begin to describe the horrors. Our world has been shattered, and so too, has my chance of a new life.




September 20th, 2010 · No Comments · Diary pages, Finding genesis

Rescued from death only to be tortured by my feelings? And here I thought I had spent the last decade cultivating a hard, hermetically sealed shell in which to place my heart! This place conjures up so many uncomfortable feelings. The ones I’d thought I’d buried long ago. I remember the ridicule, the derision, the […]



Brethren apparent.

September 9th, 2010 · No Comments · Finding genesis

Several days later, we arrive in Durotar. On the road from Northern Durotar, we came across a group. “Where are ya headin’?” “Sen’jin, sistah. ya be joinin’ us?” And so we walked together, setting out right after sunset. Night is falling, and yet we still walk. Eventually, we make it to the village. It looks […]



On the move.

September 1st, 2010 · No Comments · Finding genesis

MischievousĀ Loa, I can walk on my own. Comfortably. My ribs have finally healed, my hand is completely pain free, and I’m even walking briskly, much to Jatkai’s disbelief. “I heard ya Troll women can regenerate faster than us fellas, but this is ridiculous!” Oh, but I’ve never been one to stay knocked down for long. […]



Where am I?

July 5th, 2010 · No Comments · Finding genesis

I dreamed of a dusk that was more beautiful than anything I had ever seen. The light was blinding, but instead of burning and irritating my eyes, it warmed me to my very depths. I dreamed of the twilight of eternity. The very precipice one must dwell on before finally coming to an end. As […]




June 9th, 2010 · No Comments · Diary pages, Finding genesis

I wish we hadn’t fought. I wish I hadn’t said the things I said to him. I wish I hadn’t treated him with such callousness and contempt. I wish I’d listened to him. I wish I’d given us a chance. If I don’t live, I hope that he knows that I tried my hardest. In […]



Death’s travelogue.

June 8th, 2010 · No Comments · Finding genesis

I’m not sure that I will live. I’ve no clear sign that I will survive my injuries. I’ve faced death before, but I’ve never been this afraid. I’m alone, heading home to people who might never welcome me again, and possibly dying in the arms of a stranger before I even arrive. Who would mourn […]

