Entries Tagged as 'dreaming'

Please sto-

October 30th, 2011 · No Comments · The Blind Jin

A page is torn from the book, the ink still fresh from a few hours prior: Dzivah has been writing in her sleep, remarkably legibly, and is anxious upon waking to find these words. She tucks the page into a binding on her staff with the purpose of burning it later. Why? Why do you […]



Murderous visions.

October 16th, 2011 · No Comments · Uncategorized

I don’t sleep. That’s what I tell people and that’s what I believe. I close my eyes and several hours later, I open them. My mind never truly finds rest in between that time. This is happening repeatedly. Open. Close. Open. Close. I can see you! You’re just hiding. And then, suddenly, blackness! Glorious! Followed […]



Strange aches & stranger places.

July 17th, 2010 · No Comments · Finding genesis

I know this place. I’ve run across these tiles countless times before. The last time I stood here, I stopped to stare at the stones, and I cried. I was leaving the first and only place I’d ever called ‘home’. Now I am standing here again. Why am I here? Why am I being forced […]



Where am I?

July 5th, 2010 · No Comments · Finding genesis

I dreamed of a dusk that was more beautiful than anything I had ever seen. The light was blinding, but instead of burning and irritating my eyes, it warmed me to my very depths. I dreamed of the twilight of eternity. The very precipice one must dwell on before finally coming to an end. As […]




January 12th, 2010 · No Comments · selfhood

Who, and what, am I? How do I describe myself. What words do I use first? Mage? Woman? Alchemist? Believer? Dreamer? I lay awake tossing and turning. Everything is in flux and I’m starting to feel it; a centripetal force pushing me forward. But to where? And what is the cause of it? I have […]



Dark side of the Loa.

November 11th, 2008 · No Comments · Diary pages

There are far more interesting things to imbibe on the planet than blood thistle, and well-studied herbalists can tell you a thing or two about them. I stopped learning about herbs and plant growth on Azeroth a while ago, to focus on my other hobbies. I’ve retained SOME useful knowledge, though, as you can see…

