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I count backwards on the fingers of one hand:
‘High Priestess’, ‘Flamecaller’, ‘Magi’,
then on the other hand: ‘Potion Doc’, ‘slave’ ‘filthy zulfi’.
From one to the other, it hardly seems real that anyone should traverse that amount of appellations. But here I sit on the grandest and strangest of them all. ‘High Priestess.’
Grandest and strangest Zulfi, am I. A Grand Zulfi. Let me take one end and marry it to the other, because I am in no way suited for the task that my father and brethren believe I am worthy to inherit.
My head is a mess of emotions that induce nausea when I linger on them for too long. In the morning I have to press for answers from Zun’dra. I need new books. I need new robes. I need my father’s advice.
I need to sleep.
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