MischievousĀ Loa, I can walk on my own. Comfortably. My ribs have finally healed, my hand is completely pain free, and I’m even walking briskly, much to Jatkai’s disbelief.
“I heard ya Troll women can regenerate faster than us fellas, but this is ridiculous!”
Oh, but I’ve never been one to stay knocked down for long.
Just as it was in my feverish dreams, we walked into the forests of Ashenvale in a magnificent twilight; the forests were gold, purple, and bathed in a quiet splendor.
Though we made sure to keep our wits about us and draw no attention, we couldn’t help but talk jovially. The mood has become an upbeat one, even if I am still terribly nervous.
Within several hours we had crossed over the border, and once again to the safety of Horde occupied territory.
It is not long now that we will be in Durotar.
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